Hi, I'm a Real Estate Agent, homeowner and native San Franciscan. I am passionate about defeating Prop G because it will hurt our beloved city, San Francisco. This Proposition cannot be ignored because it will affect you and your loved ones. I hope you understand why I'm using this forum to inform you about this poorly written and horrible proposition. Please get out and vote November 4th. VOTE NO ON G. If this law passes, it will devastate San Francisco, from an increase in costs to sell or buy a home, increased housing costs for renters, loss of jobs and decreased income for business owners (engineers, designers, contractors, restaurants, loan agents, home cleaners, small business) and even a huge decrease in income for San Francisco as there will be fewer property sales decreasing the transfer tax that helps fund many programs in San Francisco. What would Prop. G do? Prop. On November 4th, San Franciscans will be asked to vote on Prop. G. The politicians behind P...