After the 2008 Mortgage Meltdown, the real estate market heated up like crazy in 2012 with Facebook's IPO and the market has been going up since. With Lyft, Uber, Slack and other tech giants possibility IPOing this year, lower interest rates, the market started to feel like it's heating up in the last few weeks. There is still limited inventory in desirable areas. I'm seeing multiple offers and over asking prices. What do you think? Janice Lee If tech firms including Uber, Lyft, Airbnb and Slack go public this year, what will the effect be on Bay Area real estate? We can look to the Facebook Effect for insight. The Facebook Effect Facebook's public offering had such a profound impact on the Bay Area that real estate insiders named it. The "Facebook Effect," felt full force in the spring of 2012 leading up to the company go...