How best to use baskets for home decor and storage

How best to use baskets for home decor and storage Over the years, I have written about some arguably pretty minor topics — white paint, yard boulders and computer disposal among them. Somehow, while dwelling on all sorts of fascinating-no-point-is-too-small minutiae, I have neglected to write about a common domestic workhorse, an item most of us use. Every. Single. Day. So today, as we approach the season of gratefulness, I am giving long-overdue homage to the humble, honorable basket. An art form that began in antiquity, baskets have transcended every age, culture and civilization. Weavers have used whatever was plentiful and free – grasses, reeds, palm branches, seagrass — to fashion into everything from bowls and bins to birdcages. They’ve woven containers tight enough to hold water and loose enough to catch fish. Like the wheel, baskets are hard to improve upon. They just work. “Although baskets date back to ancient times, we still use them in the same way...