Should you walk your dog on the left or the right?

Should you walk your dog on the left or the right? Q : My dog, Wanda, is taking chemo for lymphoma and fortunately, she’s doing great. I’m trying to get her on nice trail walks several times a week, and this raises a question. My habit is to walk on the left side of the trail, with Wanda on leash to my left. This way I’m between Wanda and other oncoming dogs and their people as we pass. Wanda loves everyone and wants to jump up on them and this helps me control her. I thought it was customary to walk on the left side, but more often than not, oncoming walkers and joggers position themselves to pass on Wanda’s side. Is there trail etiquette of which I’m unaware? A : The general rule for walking on trails is to stay to the right and pass on the left. As to which side the dog goes on, show and hunting dogs are trained to stay on their human’s left side, but for most dogs, it doesn’t matter. Experts, however, suggest you pick a side — left or right — and keep to it so ...