15 Things That San Franciscans Have in Common

It’s safe to say that the rest of the country has some assumptions about San Francisco, regularly reducing our city to a bunch of techies, hippies, liberals and nudists. While our reputation precedes us, San Franciscans cannot be reduced to stereotypes.
It’s no secret that the city is changing, but like all living things, that’s what cities do to survive — whether the changes are good or bad, cities evolve. The rents may rise and social demographics change, but one thing that will never be gentrified is San Francisco’s heart and the fact that those who live here love it.
So whether you are new to the city or have been here forever, here are some things that most modern-day San Franciscans have in common.
1. We’re Willing to Stand in Line
When it comes to certain delicacies — usually food — we can be a patient bunch. Whether at brunch, Bi-Rite or Four Barrel, San Franciscans know that good things come to those who wait.
2. We’re Loyal
All sports teams experience their ups and downs, but the difference is that San Francisco sports fans remain fiercely loyal to our teams through “the torture” when they’re losing. When it comes to the Giants, Warriors, Sharks or 49ers, there are no fair-weather fans. Maybe it’s because we are used to living in fog.
3. We Know Our City’s Name
This should go without saying. We might not correct you, but we definitely all cringe internally when we hear an out-of-towner refer to the city as “San Fran” or “Frisco.” (Acceptable: “the city”, “SF,” or “San Francisco.”) I cringed when friends from Utah would use the term “San Fran” even before I moved here.
4. We’re Tolerant
One of the things that I love most about SF is the “live and let live” attitude of the people. Regardless of your politics, the people here are generally accepting and open minded, and it’s a point of pride.
5. We’re Casual
While cities like Boston and New York are fairly buttoned up, San Franciscans opt for a pretty casual dress code, even by California standards. Maybe it’s the weather or the hills, but flats and a fleece will get you far.
6. The Rent Conversation is Not Controlled
I grew up under the impression that it was impolite to ask someone what they pay in rent. But asking a stranger what they pay in rent is common practice. Whether you’re jealous of a native’s rent control or have become jaded at paying outrageous sums for rent, this topic is on the table.
7. The Elusive San Franciscan Native
San Franciscan natives are an endangered species — rare, exquisite creatures. And while natives do exist, it seems like more and more of the San Franciscans of today are all from somewhere else.
“The first thing you ask someone here is where are you from, not what do you do,” said New-York-native-turned-San-Francisco-nurse Claire Flatley.
8. We Know Good Food
From Michelin-starred restaurants to food trucks to bacon-wrapped hot dogs in the Mission, San Franciscans know good food (and we’re known for it).
9. Parks on Sunny Days
I swear. The sun comes out, and San Franciscans will find the nearest park and set up a day camp.
10. Heat Sensitive
That being said, maybe we take refuge in the parks during nice days, because if it gets above 77 degrees here, people freak. Also, no one has air conditioning, and under usual circumstances, no one misses it.
11. Anything Locally Sourced
It’s a national trend now, but San Franciscans have always been conscious of where their food comes from. We live in a state with its own “cuisine” and were among the first cities to embrace the farm-to-table movement — and we’ve got Alice Waters and nearby Chez Panisse to prove it.
12. A Good Costume
I’m not sure what we have to thank for this (maybe some combination of Bay to Breakers, Halloween or the fact that Burning Man began on Baker Beach), but if you live here, chances are you’ve got a costume or two on hand that’s ready to go at any given moment. Me? I’ve got a purple tutu and a tiara sitting on standby in my closet, waiting for their time to shine.
13. Fairly Fit
Maybe it’s the temperate climate or the hills that lend themselves to an active lifestyle. But even if you’re not running marathons or even working out regularly, you can still hoof it up a hill or chase down a bus with the best of them. San Francisco is among the fittest cities in the country, according to the 2016 ACSM American Fitness Index.
14. Muni Manners
If you were to ask me what is one phrase that all San Franciscans have said at one point or another, “Step down” would be it. We ALL know this. Chances are you’ve politely yelled at a tourist to “step down” to get the back doors of the bus to open.
15. We All Love This City
For a small city, San Francisco sometimes feels like a small town. When you live in the city, you have a sense of community, as if the city of San Francisco itself was also a friend. Those who live here love it here, whether they have been here forever or for five minutes. When I have a tough day, I often think, Well, at least I live here, and take a minute to remember just how lucky I am.
VIA [ thebolditalic ]


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