How to Choose Wall Colors With Light-Wood Floors
Light hardwood floors vary in color, depending on the wood species, stain -- if there is one -- and sealant. Because floors and walls are two of a room’s largest surfaces, the color of each should complement the other. The key to choosing a compatible wall color is determining whether the floor color is warm or cool. Warm floors have yellow, orange or red undertones. Cool floors have gray or taupe undertones.
Though pure white wall paint works with any light-wood floor, the look is too stark for all but the most contemporary interiors. Most white paints contain small amounts of other pigments. That’s why you’ll find numerous different white paint chips among each manufacturer’s offerings. The additional pigments result in white paint colors with either cool or warm undertones. If your wood floor has a cool wood tone, opt for white paint with cool undertones. Likewise, use warm white paint with warm wood floors. Pairing warm white paint with cool-wood floors or the reverse can make the paint color appear dull and dirty. If you can’t determine the paint’s undertone, place a sheet of white printer paper next to the paint sample. Undertones appear more distinct next to pure white.
For decorating purposes, neutral paint colors other than white include black, browns ranging from beige to black-brown, and all shades of gray. Brown and gray paints both come in warm and cool versions, depending on the pigments used to create them. For light to medium-dark neutral walls, choose paint with the same undertone as your flooring. The darkest neutrals of black, black-brown and charcoal gray look striking with both warm and cool hardwoods. If you opt for paint in the same color palette as your flooring -- such as tan paint with light brown flooring -- make sure the wall color is at least two shades lighter or darker than the flooring so they don’t appear to match. Keep in mind that a strong northern exposure makes the wall color appear darker and duller. A southern exposure makes the paint appear lighter.
Warm Colors
If your flooring has warm undertones, you can use any warm color for the walls -- as long as it otherwise suits your taste and furnishings. Warm colors include yellows, oranges, reds and the colors made by combining them. Though true green is a cool color, it becomes warm when yellow is added. To pair a warm wall color with light, cool floors, opt for a medium-bright to dark paint. The lightness or darkness of a color is its value. By using a warm color with an intense value, the color remains vibrant despite the floor’s cool undertone. Pumpkin-colored wall paint combined with gray-toned hardwoods is a good example of a striking warm-and-cool mix.
Cool Colors
From icy pastels to the darkest values, cool wall colors complement wood floors with cool undertones. Cool colors include blues, violets, true greens and gray-greens. The pure red on a color wheel is warm, but adding blue creates a cool red. As with the reverse, opt for medium-bright-to-dark cool colors if your light-wood floor has warm undertones. Pleasing examples include dark violet walls with a honey-colored floor and medium aqua walls with orange-toned hardwoods.
VIA [homeguides]
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